Mail Order Christmas Trees

Brown’s Tree Farm
Mail Order Christmas Trees Harvest Method
When you order a Christmas Tree Online from Brown’s Tree Farm, you have the option to select the date you would like your Christmas Tree shipped. Your Christmas Tree is harvested just a few short days prior to shipping. That’s right, your Christmas Tree does NOT spend weeks sitting in a shipping yard. We harvest your Christmas Tree and then put it in a custom box which keeps in the freshness. Your Christmas Tree is then shipped and you receive it at your front door just a few days later. As you can see, the Mail Order Christmas Trees method offers the best in quality, freshness, and convenience.
For the “Ultimate Freshness” we recommend a Mail Order Fraser Fir Christmas Tree.
Premium Quality Christmas Trees
Brown’s Tree Farm reserves only the highest quality Christmas Trees and Christmas Wreaths for mail order customers. We understand that there is an uncertainty when you Buy a Mail Order Christmas Tree Online. That’s why we only sell USDA #1 or better Christmas Trees through the mail.
USDA #1 or Better Christmas Tree Requirements:
- Medium to High Density
- Normal Taper
- Three to Four Good Sides
Fresh Mail Order Christmas Trees
Traditional Christmas Tree Harvest Method
The Traditional Harvest Method is usually used to harvest Christmas Trees that will be shipped to chain stores and local retailers. Using this method Christmas Trees are usually harvested between October 1st and November 15th.
The Christmas Trees are usually hauled out of the field and then stored in a shipping yard. The Christmas Trees will then be loaded onto semi trucks and shipped to their final destination around Thanksgiving time.
This method has been used for decades and it does work. Christmas Trees actually have a lot longer “shelf life” than what most people think. There are, however, factors that can cause a Christmas Tree to loose its freshness. The largest of coarse is the weather. Extreme heat or the lack of rain throughout the year or the harvest season can cause Christmas Trees to be more sensitive and not hold up as well through the holiday season.
There are only two ways you can guarantee your Christmas Tree will have “Ultimate Freshness”. You can drive all over your state (if your state even grows trees) to find a decent cut your own OR you can buy one of our freshly harvested Mail Order Christmas Trees.