Finding a Product
When ordering a Christmas Tree or Christmas Wreath online from Brown’s Tree Farm the order process couldn’t be any easier. You simply select one of our product category pages:
The category pages list a brief description for each product. To view additional information for a specific product select the “Click Here for More Details” link. Once you find the product you would like to order select the “Add to Cart” button. Once you are finished adding items select the “Check Out Now” button and follow the on screen instructions.
Safe and Secure Shopping Through SSL
Rest assured that all of your customer and order information will remain safe and secure. Our web site utilizes the latest in SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protection which encrypts all of your information. We accept all major credit cards as well as PayPal. Regardless of the payment method, all orders all processed directly through PayPal for security purposes.
All orders must be placed online to ensure all customer and order information has been entered correctly. Also note that we will not sell or lease your personal information to anyone.
Not sure what to get your loved ones for Christmas this year? May we suggest a Fresh Real Christmas Tree Online or one of our beautiful Christmas Wreaths?
That’s right, you can order a Christmas Tree or Christmas Wreath online and have it drop shipped to a friend or family member.
Do you have a parent or grandparent that no longer buys a Real Christmas Tree because they have a hard time handling a tree? This year you could send them a beautiful 5-6′ Fraser Fir Christmas Tree along with an easy to use Pin Style Christmas Tree Stand. They simply open the box, make a fresh cut, and put the Christmas Tree in the easy to use stand.
TIP: You may also want to look into giving a loved one a 4.5′ – 5.5′ White Pine Christmas Tree. White Pines are soft and very light. Of all the Christmas Trees we sell White Pines are the lightest and easiest to handle.
Christmas Tree Order Process